Most Important Teachings in One Sentence

If you could only give one piece of advice, what would it be?

It’s not an easy feat to distill your teaching down to one idea or sentence, or to at least rank one sentence to the most important one you could pass on to others. But every now and then, someone does that and I’m happy to learn about such gems. I think it tells us a lot about the person and which of those teachings we remember tells us a lot about ourselves. Because I came across one such sentence today and because I liked it and want to remember it, I share it here:

For myself, I have no idea what I would share if I could only use one sentence or idea. But pondering it might help me straightline my own thoughts. Maybe not pondering it in this extreme way, to look for the one sentence about everything. But looking for the one sentence about the current chain of thoughts buzzing around in my head at any given moment, or the one that binds the main theme or idea of the current day or week or month.

Todays task for future-me: Gather topic sentences about your current chain of thoughts, your learning, your days and weeks, your current stage of life.

· life, insights